Postée le 19.10.2019
Closer Records présente : Midnight Scavengers !
Closer Records presents : Midnight Scavengers!
Distribution : L’Autre Distribution
Midnight Scavengers
CD Digipack (15 titres / 15 tracks) : sortie aujourd’hui / out now
LP (7 titres) + CD (15 titres) inclus : fin octobre
LP (7 tracks) + CD (15 tracks) included : at end of October
Disponible ici / available here :
Ecoutez ici / Listen here :
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Combo de Melbourne se trouvant entre ténèbres, beauté et violence, MIDNIGHT SCAVENGERS s’articule autour de la guitariste /chanteuse Johanna Brockman - du DIRTY SKIRT BAND de James McCann (également collaboratrice de Brian Henry Hopper, première partie de la tournée Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 2009 en Australie) - et du clavier et co-chanteur Dimitri Kucharzewski. Ils firent la rencontre l'un de l'autre à Berlin où Dimitri, qui était déjà alors le crooner sardonique aux accents
hazlewoodien d'aujourd'hui, a joué à plusieurs reprises aux côtés du légendaire Nikki Sudden.
Se sont adjoints au duo Jeff Lee Hooker (Kim Salmon, Darling Downs, Brian Hooper' s band) à la basse, Tim O' Shannassy (Paradise Motel, MJ Halloran) à la batterie et Andrew Watson (Charlie Marshall and The Body Electric, MJ Halloran, The Man Who Wasn' t There), guitare / violon.
MIDNIGHT SCAVENGERS vont sortir leur premier album sur deux formats, en CD Digipack dès septembre 2016, puis en LP vinyl plus CD inclus courant octobre. Le format CD sera agrémenté de bonus tracks dont notamment des reprises de Tom Waits et Rowland S Howard. Ce premier album verra le jour sur le label Closer Records et sera distribué par l’Autre Distribution.
MIDNIGHT SCAVENGERS seront en tournée européènne (France / Espagne / Italie / Belgique) entre la mi-septembre et le début du mois de décembre.

Revolving around singer/songwriters Johanna Brockman and her partner Dimitri Kucharzewski, Midnight Scavengers are a unique and compelling presence.
Situated between sinister violent beauty and volatile fragmented shyness,
Johanna Brockman, once a member of James McCann’ s Dirty Skirt Band, and The Brian Hooper Band (who opened for Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds on their 2009 Tour) met up with now partner in songs Dimitri Kucharzewski (Nikki Sudden’ s Last Bandits, The Hollowmen) in Berlin in 2011 to create the core of what would become Midnight Scavengers.
After relocating to Melbourne, Australia in 2012, they grew to a five piece with the addition of Jeff Hooker (Brian Hooper’ s band, Kim Salmon, The Darling Downs) on bass, Tim O’Shannassy (MJ Halloran, Paradise Motel, Penny Ikinger) on drums, and Andrew Watson (The Man Who Wasn’t There, Charlie Marshall) on violin and guitar. Midnight Scavengers have become an extremely well respected and recognized band, playing alongside legendary figures such as Spencer P Jones, Kim Salmon, Hugo Race and Ron S Peno among others.
With contributions from well established artists such as Sacri Cuori virtuosi Antonio Gramentieri & and Francesco Valtieri (Toni Delone/ Sacri Cuori), MIDNIGHT SCAVENGERS album is now due to be released in September 2016 on CLOSER RECORDS as a VINYL/ CD + CD BONUS TRACKS & CD Digipack ( featuring Autoluminescent by Rowland S Howard, All The World Is Green by Tom Waits, to mention a couple), and will be touring Europe in September/ October and early December with new songs that will feature their second album that already made it to impress their label contractors Closer.